Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Top 10 List

True to their words, almost everything was closed today in Phnom Penh. This led to an incredibly boring yet somewhat relaxing day. I didn't get up until almost 11. Took a quick jaunt out to buy some street food for lunch and retreated back to my hotel to watch Little Giants and wash my clothes. I then went out to the Russian Market, which I was assured was open. The Russian Market is the big touristy souvenir place. It was open, but about 75% of the shops were closed. I bought a couple water color paintings of Angkor and a couple tshirts (they have good tshirts here) and I was gone.

Now, after dinner with a couple Brits I randomly met, I'm here at my second home- the internet cafe to waste the rest of the night. If you could see me now, I'm watching the YouTube video of Jesse McCartney's "Leavin" and drinking a Pepsi Twist with a straw. Suz, you'd be proud.

So since I had the day, I've been preparing a list of the Top 10 things I'll miss most and miss least about Cambodia. Away we go!

Ten Things I'll Miss Most
10. Cheap food
9. Accuracy of maps
8. Knock-off CDs and DVDs
7. ease of transportation
6. A busy nightlife
5. Cheap massages
4. Overall helpfulness of the people
3. Motorbike rides
2. Random monkey sightings
1. The smiles

Ten Things I'll Miss Least
10. Rats on the street
9. Slow internet
8. The unavailabilty of Lemon Fanta
7. Lizards crawling all over the walls
6. The phrase "Same Same," which must be the first learned by Cambodians
5. The city shutting down for Election Day
4. The trend of the long pinky nail on men (just gross)
3. Cambodian pop music
2. Smelly hotel towels (I have been using my own)
1. The road between Thailand and Siem Reap


Richard said...

No Lemon Fanta!! The savages!

Anonymous said...

im hoping the long pinky nail trend in cambodia is different than the long pinky nail trend in america. oh no, im turning into one of those frequent blog commenters.

Richard said...

Not wishing to put a damper on things but have a glance at the India section of the FCO site. Being you I am sure you have it covered.

Anonymous said...

I love traveling too, do you stay in the same place your whole trip? I remember staying in this one hotel that smelled like being downwind of a row of porta-potties, mixed with cigar was disgusting! Have you ever had any other bad experiences, OMG please share!

Check out this funny video, called "Ballad of a Traveler", it is hilarious. He totally sums up the travelers experience:>

YouTube - Ballad of a Traveler

I work with Hampton Inn, and I'd love to hear your horror stories! What's the worst experience you've ever had at a hotel? (I always get a kick outta this!)