Friday, July 18, 2008

Bangkok- Oriental City

So last night (my last in Seoul) I had one of the most amazing nights of my life. Then, the following morning I had one of the worst mornings ever. Allow me to explain...

First I must say I hit the CS jackpot with my second host in Seoul, the Kims. The daughter is a member of CS and her parents have gracious allowed her to open their home to foreigners passing through. The apartment was quite spacious and I even had my own room! Score! To top it off, the next morning (yesterday) the mother made me a delicious breakfast. Sylvia, the daughter (who had already gone to work) wasn't home so conversation was minimal with the mother.

That evening, I met Sylvia at a metro stop and we went to dinner with a group of her friends. What proceeded was 4 hours of laughter, chatting and generally sharing culture with one another. It really was fabulous. I felt like a rock star. The 6 of them (whose English abilities varied) asked me questions all night, varying from my thoughts on Bush to Rajon Rondo. They taught me all about Korean culture, i.e. how I am supposed to hold my glass when being served and to whom I should serve to how I should speak to elders. I, in turn, shared with them American culture. It was another one of those "I can't believe this is happening to me" moments.

Maybe I'm naive. Actually, I'm sure I am. But why are there so many problems and conflicts in the world today? There were no hostilities last night, we all truly enjoyed each others company and the opportunity to get to know someone else. Maybe it's just my generation that has been brought together with ease by the miracle of the internet, but I don't see how you can't respect and marvel at cultural differences and see people, although maybe physically different, as just that- a person. Maybe one day I can change all this.

Unfortunately, this morning will go down as one of the worst ever. One too many pieces of kim chi, I suppose. I got pretty sick. I had to hold it all down and in on a hour and a half bus ride to the airport and I was pretty sickly. Thankfully, after purging myself I feel better now.

So now I'm in Bangkok, Thailand. I will just say this for right now- I might be in my first sticky CS situation. Nothing major, I just really have no idea what's going on right now. I'm at this girl's apartment, with another American guy from San Fran (who is really cool) but the host hasn't shown up. Finding a hotel for tonight isn't out of the question. Suffice it to say I'm just a little confused. I'll keep you posted.

Bits and Pieces

-Had an encounter with a Thai she-male at the airport. He/she was using a urinal in the men's bathroom but definitely had boobs and long hair and sacheted (SP?) when walking.

-Cool shirt of the day - "Minuteman Meat Puppet Descendents (sic) Agst."

-Thailand is CHEAP!

-I re-read some of my blogs. I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors. Blame is on those dang foreign keyboards.

More to come. This could get interesting...


Steve said...

Speaking of foreign keyboards remember that internet cafe on the Greek Island of Samos where not only did the keys continually stick but you had to blow the dirt and dust off the keyboard prior to use. Quaint little place that was.

carolyn said...

What a great experience you are having---of course, not all moments are great--i.e. sick moments.
CS is certainly giving you many wonderful cultural opportunities for sharing--maybe there is hope for the world.

Unknown said...

I would love to discuss why there are issued in the world when you are back......Brittany crepes and Normandy cider?